I make bass music

James Kristopher @Omnivore

Age 27, Male


Joined on 12/3/10

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738 / 900
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Trust me, they're hidden somewhere...

Do hedgehogs count? I wanna be silver the H.

Ya, any anthro animal counts. But its better to have your own made up character like my "Cinto" the cat, "Flaedrill" the pesky wolf, and "F.N.G" the sound warping wolf-cat :3

lol! :D
The sound warping wolf-cat sounds rlly weird. Hey, and i actually do have my own character! I forgot (facepalm).

As you can tell from my old pic, that im a hedgehog fan. My made up character has his own theme....that sux XD

Im not going to tell but try to geuss who he is (note: In the song i did NOT tell he was a hedgehog. So youll have to figure out on your own.)


Is he a light-dark-super-saiyan-over-9000 -lolcat with a sword with the might of the Gods? 'Cause if he is, he needs moar cow-bell, and will he blend? Oh, and FNG basically is my fursona.

Not in RL,
I do love E6 though. . .

So kinda? ehhhhhhh.

Actually being an RL furry not at all, but if I ever meet Renamon. . . it's on!
*Hip thrust*

Wow, I never thought I'd find another E6 fan! I usually take a trip around WC too sometimes. Also, I forgot what RL was... Lol, Im a noob... I guess all this explains my infinite Pokemon/Digimon addiction o_O...

Raven Darkfur is here :3
ok I can't draw and shit but it's totaly awesome music you have
(awesome enough for first Trance place) great job and keep going

Yo Thanks! I try to tell everyone that being 13 doesnt stop me from being a fur and making music!

oh ya
you have a Furcadia account?
mine is TheRavist or theGamist
(it's not realy a game it's more a socializing program,... FOR FURRIES)

No, I've only just started to seriously get into this type of stuff, so I need a path out of my little noobish world ^-^... It looks like the music sure helped me with that!

Yo. Umber the umbreon/dragonite hybrid, here. my drawing sux, but i have a HUGE "imagination". i feel as though i am mentally insane.(read my comment on skitzo, the 1920s killer bear.)(cretor:comiks) and yet, i am single(straight) guy, im also a guitarist, artist(drawings suk), and somwhat of a cook. looking for some people to collab with.

Wow, what a coincidence, I read your comment a while ago! I like the following Pokemon...

Mew, Zangoose, Lucario, Lunamew (fan made pokemon), Snivy, Umbreon, Espeon, Flareon, and Victini :3

Oh, i forgot. Omega-Ravager, count me in on that one! ill take the front, you take the back. someone care to take the face??


I take the face! >:D

Yay! any one wanna join in? maybe some girls??(evil grin) itll be a HUGE orgy!!! W00T!!

I doubt I'll find any female furs often around here...

oy you should make a fur affinaty account
they also allow music uploads

I will have to make a new one..

okay im flame the cat blazes sister and this is luna the wolf

FlamerWolf got a job im up for it writer and drawer