I was at the Korean Market with my family today, just gett'n some bubble tea and stuff, right when this caught my eyes....
Some Kickass Candeh for eat'n.. In the style of Pokemon ^-^.. It's all in Japanese so I have no clue as to what it says, but I'm keepin it. The Pokemanz on the front cover are (from what I remember)...
Piplup, (I don't know), Zorua, Zoruark, and Tenta.. Te... Rape thing.
It even has a little ad for 'Pikachu: The Movie'... I'd see it.
Wow, we have an Indonesian market, it's not the same...
I wish I could have some of whatever that stuff is where I live!
Actually, we don't live where it's located (not yet :D).. we live about 40 minutes away from it... Indonesian market? Where do you live?