Until I get my computer back, Im going to start reviewing stuff. Except it won't be like the 7 word review, more like the long detailed review. Infact I've already gotten started (on my tiny iPod..) soo I know how a good review works and all.. After looking upon SCTE3's style, (thanx!!!), I think Im ready for the full reviewing capabilities. Anywayz, feel free to throw some advise in my direction so I can cat a headstart on reviewing stuff.
In other news, my awesome laptop is currently getting reformatted and debug'd at Geeksquad, so flash and audio reviews will be delayed. Music wont continue until I get my laptop with all of its programs back, which will prob be tomorrow. Also, my finger aches from typing on a mini keyboard with my iPod, so I wrote two reviews with it. Ouch. Also to SOAD24k, Im sorry but my comps data got erased, along with your flash I was working on... Sorry.
Thanks guys!